The Spearhead Management Tools are a set of practical resources to manage the transition towards an organization that is enabled to embrace and celebrate change. Each tool is part of an accompanying Spearhead Training module and only available to Spearhead Graduates.
Five tools and five training modules, the building blocks to enable every organization to embrace and celebrate change. Supported by consulting and coaching where needed.
Spearhead Management Graduates obtain a lifetime license to use the Spearhead Tools for which they qualified.
The Spearhead Method Charts enables the Spearhead Management Practitioners to priorities and monitor challenges, opportunities and results in their journey towards embracing and celebrating change.
The Spearhead Method Chart and Spearhead Management Practitioners training module form the foundation to generate a controlled wave of change throughout the organization. Practitioners and Champions lead the Change from within which is the core of the Spearhead Management Model.
The Spearhead Roadmap is a dynamic overview of goals, challenges and building blocks towards the Spearhead enabled organization. This roadmap will be regularly reviewed and adjusted by the Spearhead Champions of Change.
The Spearhead Champions of Change are the owners of their own Spearhead Roadmap in which time, resources and goals are as dynamic as the final goal of the Spearhead transition towards embracing change.
To be able to embrace and celebrate Change, every organization needs to balance empowerment with responsibility, and willingness with ability. Skillset and mindset needs to be aligned, just as much as that is required for motivation and accountability.
The Willingness Ability Compass allows the Spearhead Practitioners and Spearhead Champions of Change to analyze and monitor the progress towards this balance. The Spearhead Development Planning Training provides the Practitioners and Champions with the necessary skills to drive the organizational changes throughout the transition.
The Agile ability to respond rapidly to market demand and deliver business value in short cycles is just as important as understanding when the Agile method provides the business value without introducing unwanted risks to the process. At the same time and especially during the transition towards embracing and celebrating change, it is crucial to understand the level of readiness for this kind of autonomous delivery of business value.
The Spearhead Agile Readiness Matrix provides a reliable toolkit to monitor and scale up the Agile Readiness throughout and after the transition. The Spearhead Agile Training empowers the Spearhead Champions of Change to lead the transition according to the organizational goals and objectives.
Structured Critical Thinking is commonly known as RED Team when it is combined with an organizational acceptance of its importance. The Spearhead RED Team Radar in combination with the Spearhead RED Team Training creates the culture, mindset and skillset to implement and benefit from Structured Critical Thinking without losing the high pace of Agile and Design Thinking.
The Spearhead RED Team Radar and the Spearhead RED Team Training are the final stage of the Spearhead Tools and Spearhead Training.